This month’s research report is about sharing information I thought might be of interest to many of our practitioners.

  • Interesting TED talk by Melissa Hanfalvay (Australian tennis star and coach with a PhD in human movement) discussing her research on eye tracking and teaming issues in particular how and where what our eyes focus on.  She relates this interestingly to high end athletes to real life situations to Learning disabilities/autism.    She focuses on visual converge insufficiency however you can easily relate this to N.O.T. concepts, i.e. sphenoid distortion as a primary variable.  MP3 Audio File

    Melissa Hanfalvay is representative of an organization called Right Eye (

The above information is for personal use only. Please be discretionary  in its use ...thank you.
If you additional questions or concerns or would like additional information, please email me directly.

June Research Report
visual converge insufficiency  & Research Study
Monthly Newsletter -Research Report