What is Neural Organization Work
Neural Organization Work (N.O.W.) is a holistic physical and energy medicine modality, based in Applied Kinesiology, which deals with our primal survival systems of fight/flight, feeding/digestion, reproduction and immune. Our health depends on how well these systems are maintained and their ability to receive, process and respond to sensory information in a constantly changing environment of both internal and external stressors. Treatment utilizes a sensory receptor-based therapy involving primarily skin surface reflexes designed to normalize nervous system function.

Neural Organization Work holds as its premise that everything that happens to us on a physical, chemical, or emotional level must be processed through one or more of the these basic survival systems.  Our reaction to these stimuli will not be random but one of a chain reaction of neuro-biochemical events designed to compensate and maximize our survivability.  Our nervous system will  accomplish and navigate this compensatory state by constantly monitoring both the internal and external environment.  Much of the sensory input is processed subconscious utilizing a vast array of information gathering sensors in our skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments called mechano-receptors (proprioceptors).  Receptor based therapies allow the practitioner to modulate the sensory input to our Central Nervous System (CNS) to facilitate a wanted outcome/response.

Neural Organization Work not only works on remodulating the sensory input to our CNS, it also recalibrates the sensory receptor itself.  This methodology is unique in the healing arts allowing for efficient application and a long lasting outcome.

Scoliosis is a classic example of the application.  Traditionally adolescent scoliosis (the most common form of scoliosis relating to puberty) is recognized as an adaptive reactive muscle imbalance that can cause lateral bending of the spine.  The condition of scoliosis is interpreted as a natural compensation for an aberrant (walking) gait. Correction is simple, first neutralize the cause (aberrant mechano-receptors) then address the reactive paravertebral muscle (compensation) that is no longer needed.

Our goal to identify these compensatory states and remove the ones that are no longer needed.  This approach has a benefit in that treatment is often swift and efficient because rehabilitation is often unnecessary.    Our nervous system will know what to do when restored back to its original operating parameters.

Neural Organization Work is uniquely adaptive to addressing the causative factors of many complex health problems.   This  often requires a team approach and or coordination with your present health care provider.   I am willing to communicate and work with other providers in an effort to maximize your swift return to health.  This what patient centered care is all about, you!
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Neural Organization Work (N.O.W.) represents an advanced methodology of N.O.T. focusing on systemic issues, chronic illness, nutritional imbalances, fatigue, and detoxification.

Advanced protocols are based in applied kinesiology methods within a functional neurological approach allowing the practitioner to address many health issues not commonly addressed in traditional N.O.T.

For additional information, follow this link, http://www.kinesiologydoc.com/Conditions/Conditions.html